Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement

The Deque University web site has been designed and tested to be in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (United States), and EN 301 549 (European Union). If you encounter an accessibility issue, contact us with a description of the issue so we can address it right away!

Summary of Some of the Main Accessibility Features

  • Structural and navigational aids have been incorporated into the design, such as headings, landmarks, and "skip navigation" links.
  • All images and other non-text elements have alternative text associated with them.
  • All features are functional with a variety of input methods including mouse, keyboard, touch, and voice.
  • Videos have captions and transcripts.
  • Foreground/background color contrast of text and user interface elements complies with WCAG guidance for users with low vision.
  • Form elements have proper labels.
  • Data tables have header cells associated with their respective data cells.
  • Scripts and interactive components follow WCAG guidance and ARIA Authoring Practices, where appropriate.

Other accessibility and usability features were also taken into account, as described in detail in the Deque University online courses.