PDF-UA identifier

Rule ID: pdfua-identifier
Ruleset: axe-pdf 2.0
User Impact: Critical
Guidelines: Not specified, or not applicable

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Compliance Data & Impact

User Impact


Disabilities Affected

  • Blind
  • Deafblind
  • Mobility


  • Not specified, or not applicable

How to Fix the Problem

In Adobe Acrobat Pro:

  1. Open the Preflight dialog by clicking Tools > Print Production > Preflight.
  2. Ensure either Acrobat Pro DC 2015 Profiles or PDF Standards are selected as the Library.
  3. On the Profiles tab, click the individual fixup wrench icon.
  4. Navigate to Document Info and Metadata and click expand.
  5. Select “Set PDF/UA-1 entry” and click “Fix”.
  6. Save to a new file name when prompted.

Why it Matters

The PDF-UA ID is a piece of metadata contained within the document properties. The identifier tells users that the document claims technical compliance with PDF-UA standards.

Rule Description

The purpose of the PDF-UA identifier is to attest that the PDF document is ISO 14289 (PDF-UA) compliant. In order to claim PDF-UA compliance, the ID must be added.

The Algorithm (in simple terms)

The PDF-UA ID must be added in order to be PDF/UA compliant.


Refer to the complete list of axe 2.0 rules.

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