Annotations must have a Content key

Rule ID: annot-no-content-key
Ruleset: axe-pdf 2.0
User Impact: Critical
Guidelines: PDF/UA

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Compliance Data & Impact

User Impact


Disabilities Affected

  • Blind
  • Deafblind
  • Mobility


  • PDF/UA

    How to Fix the Problem

    In Adobe Acrobat Pro:

    1. Right click on the Link tag and choose Properties.
    2. Within the Object Properties, under the Tag tab, choose Edit Tag.
    3. Navigate to the Object Dictionary within the Tag Element and click New Item.
    4. In the Key field, type “Contents”. In the Value field, type your alternate link description. In the Value Type field, select “String” from the drop-down menu.

    Why it Matters

    Providing an alternate description for annotations allows screen reader users the opportunity to hear additional information about the link destination.

    Rule Description

    An alternate description must be added within the Contents key of every annotation.

    The Algorithm (in simple terms)

    Add a link description within the Contents key.


    Refer to the complete list of axe 2.0 rules.

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