What Are the Benefits of IAAP Certification?
- For Individuals
- Fine Tune your Accessibility Skills
- Advance Your Career
- For Organizations
- Build Accessibility Capacity Across the Organization
- Attract Proven Accessibility Talent
- For the Accessibility Profession
- Certification Raises the Bar in Terms of Accessibility Knowledge and Skills
- Certification Provides a Common Definition of What it Means to be an Accessibility Professional
What IAAP Certification Options are Available?
(International Association of Accessibility Professionals) currently offers 5 professional credentials in the realm of Accessibility, and Deque University offers training for 4 of them:
CPACC (Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies)
Enroll in the CPACC Prep Course
CPWA (Certified Professional of Web Accessibility, awarded after passing both CPACC and WAS)
Enroll in the CPACC and WAS Prep Courses (The CPACC Prep course is bundled with the web accessibility curriculum)
ADS (Accessible Document Specialist)
Enroll in the ADS Prep Course (The Document Accessibility courses are only available as part of the Full Access option)
The fifth credential (for which Deque does not offer training) is CPABE (Certified Professional in Accessible Built Environments).
In the following brief sections, you'll find an overview of each of the exams for which we offer training.
You can also find a comprehensive and very detailed guide to all certification topics on the IAAP Certification Page.
Deque and IAAP
The IAAP is an independent, international, professional organization. Deque is a separate entity and does not administer the exams or collect exam fees. Deque is an IAAP Approved Certification Preparation Provider.