Rule ID: table-miss-header
Ruleset: axe-pdf 1.0
User Impact: Critical
Guidelines: WCAG 2.0 (A), Section 508

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Compliance Data & Impact

User Impact


Disabilities Affected

  • Blind
  • Deafblind


  • WCAG 2.0 (A)
  • Section 508

WCAG Success Criteria [WCAG 2.0 (A)]

  • 1.3.1: Info and Relationships

Section 508 Guidelines

  • 1194.22 (h): MUST: Markup for data and header cells for tables with multiple row or column headers

How to Fix the Problem

Make tables accessible in PDF documents by using table elements. The applicable standard from Section508.22.h dictates to "associate data and header cells for multi-dimensional data tables."

To check and change table tags in Adobe Acrobat X Pro do the following:

  1. Open the document containing a table in Adobe Acrobat X Pro and from the View menu select Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > Tags as shown in the following figure.
    The Tag menu item
  2. Expand the Tags node to get to the Table node and expand it. The following figure shows an untagged table with the first <TR> tag representing the first row and the table headers reading <TD>.
    Tag of the header row showing <td>
  3. Edit the <TD> tag and change it to <TH> as shown in the following figure: .

TD tag chanhed to TH

Evaluation of accessibility with WorldSpace Comply

WorldSpace Comply will crawl a website and analyze and detect tables without column headers and data and header cells that are not logically linked. Click the following link for help on using WorldSpace Comply with PDF documents: WorldSpace Comply PDF Analysis.


Other Resources

You may also want to check out these other resources.

Refer to the complete list of axe 1.0 rules.

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