PDF Accessibility (Advanced): Complex Tables and Forms
Advanced PDF Accessibility: Complex Tables and Forms
Technical level: Intermediate (HTML knowledge highly recommended)
Duration: 45 minutes (online self-paced class, estimate)
IAAP CAECs: 0.75 (This class counts toward renewal of IAAP certification)
Languages available: English,
Course Synopsis:
This course focuses on creating accessible complex tables and forms in PDF format and includes downloadable practice files to follow along with the instructions and examples. Specific techniques include:
For complex tables:
- Simplifying complex tables
- Setting the scope and span in complex tables
- Creating and associating header cell IDs with data cells
For forms:
- Creating forms in Microsoft Word and exporting to PDF
- Using the automatic Prepare Form tool in Acrobat
- Creating and editing different types of form fields, including text fields, check boxes, radio buttons, drop down lists, buttons, and more.
- Setting and verifying form field properties
- Adding Tags