Web Accessibility, Part 8: Dynamic Updates, AJAX, and Single-Page Apps

Web Accessibility, Part 8: Dynamic Updates, AJAX, and Single-Page Apps

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Technical level: Advanced (knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is required)

Duration: 30 minutes (estimate)

IAAP CAECs: 0.50 (This class counts toward renewal of IAAP certification)

Course Synopsis:

Techniques for making dynamic content accessible, including AJAX, single-page applications, infinite scrolling, lazy loading of content, progressive disclosure of information or options, time limits, session timeouts, etc.

Course Topics: Web Accessibility, Part 8: Dynamic Updates, AJAX, and Single-Page Apps

  • Notifying Users of Changes
    • Option 1: Load/Reload Page
    • Option 2: Move the Focus
    • Status Messages
    • Option 3: ARIA Live
  • Time Limits
    • Session Timeout
    • Timers with Fixed Deadlines
    • Auto Refresh/Reload
  • AJAX
    • Lazy Loading
    • Infinite Scrolling
    • Interstitial Views
    • Single Page Applications
  • Course Feedback and Survey