Adaptive and Responsive Output

Accessibility Techniques for Adaptive and Responsive Output
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Device Orientation Horizontal or Vertical Orientation: Content MUST NOT restrict its view and operation to a single display orientation, such as portrait or landscape, unless a specific display orientation is essential. Required
WCAG 1.3.4
(WCAG 2.1)
Adaptive/ Responsive Text See the requirements for Text Styles, Resize, Reflow, and Zoom. Required
Other Adaptive/ Responsive Elements
Content that would cause scrolling in two directions (both horizontally and vertically) MUST respond to the viewport size or zoom state by resizing and/or reflowing, at viewport resolutions of up to 320px for vertically scrolling content, and 256px for horizontally scrolling content.
WCAG 1.4.10
(WCAG 2.1)
Simplification Simplified Content: Features of the content MAY be simplified, reduced in size, or eliminated when magnified or when viewed on small viewports. Best Practice
Simplified User Interface: Features of the interface SHOULD be simplified, reduced in size, or eliminated when magnified or when viewed on small viewports. Best Practice